Creating, Sharing and Finding Joy in what you Love!

Hi, my name is Farnaz Devitt.

I am a ceramicist living and working in San Francisco, crafting natural, functional, and contemporary pottery from my studio. Creating pottery for me is a process that is both meditative and expressive. Nothing brings more pleasure than to spend a beautiful, foggy day working on my wheel, creating pieces of art for friends and family and art lovers. l find throwing pottery a relaxing form of self-expression that takes me to a different place, hopefully inspiring others to do the same!

My intention when creating art is for each piece to be as unique as the people I share my work with. This uniqueness is paired with a desire to conserve resources and minimize waste: all my work uses organic, natural, and recycled material, including the clay.


Art for me is not just a hobby, it represents joy: something I strive to share with loved ones and those around me, all in an effort to help bring happiness and hope to all of those I meet.  

Special thanks to Rosha Motti for the original inspiration for this website, the countless hours of photography, website design and for being such a dear friend.

Also, thanks to my amazing mom, Marzy Lari for her unconditional love, encouragement and brilliant ability to individually name my pottery collections.

Thanks to Afra Pourdad for the pictures on this page.

Design and Photography by Rosha Motti Studio